Last updated: June 28, 2022
Making a complaint to Flahmingo
At Flahmingo, we take your complaints seriously and are committed to helping resolve your complaint about Flahmingo or the service you’ve received. The best way to address your complaint is to raise the issue as soon as it comes up.
While we welcome any positive comments you have, it is just as important for us to know when you have a concern so we can promptly resolve it and retain your confidence. At the same time, your feedback helps us improve the quality of the products and services we offer to you and other customers.
Should you have any questions or complaints about Flahmingo, please let us know. There are a variety of ways for you to provide feedback or express your concerns about your experiences with Flahmingo. We encourage you to get in touch with us by email, or via our chatbot.
1. Resolving complaints
At Flahmingo, we take your complaints seriously and are committed to helping resolve your complaint about the service you’ve received.
To help reach a resolution, please follow these three steps:
Step 1: Voice your complaint
Please contact us via the Chatbot available at
If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided in Step 1, please proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Escalate your complaint
You can escalate your complaint directly via email at
Our Chief Compliance Officer will respond in writing and provide a summary of your complaint, our findings, and our proposed solution to address your concerns. The response will contain a reminder about escalation options available to you, including Step 3 should your concerns not be addressed to your satisfaction.
Step 3: Additional steps
If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided in Step 2 or have not heard from us within 90 days, you can proceed to escalate your concern to the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI). If Flahmingo anticipates the final response to take longer than 90 days you will be informed of the reasons and the expected new response times. The services of the OBSI are independent of Flahmingo and free to you.
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)
- Website:
- Phone: 1-888-451-4519
- Email:
A step-by-step process of how the OBSI complaint process works can be found at:
To make a complaint to the Alberta Securities Commission: